Sunday, April 6, 2014


I was browsing my personal computer just the other day preparing my draft for a Petition for Review on Certiorari with the Supreme Court when I came upon my Alumni Homecoming speech which I delivered way back on December 10, 2011. I always wanted to feature the said occasion in my blog but some circumstances prevented me to do so. 

However, after I inadvertently seen my speech, I decided to make an effort to finally post it in my blog for posterity sake. It was quite memorable to me as it was my first time to be invited as an Alumni speaker although last year I also delivered an impronto testimonial during the Davao Central College Alumni Homecoming but in that case there were three of us who delivered short speeches.            

( Me signing the book of attendance during the said affair.)

I had the opportunity to be invited as the Guest Speaker of the Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elementary School Alumni Homecoming held on December 10, 2011 at the DJDCCES Cover Court and hosted by Batch 86. Written below is my homecoming speech..   

( Me delivering my homecoming speech.)

The president of our Alumni Association Congresswoman Luz Ilagan, Principal of Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elem. School Mrs. Evelyn Lawog-lawog, other officers of the Alumni, guests, present and former teachers of DJDCCES, members of batch 86, fellow alumni of Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elem. School, Maayong Gabii sa Inyong Tanan....

( Kudos to girl power. Members of the core group of Batch 86 who made the affair possible. )

When I was informed by Anne Fe Fontanilla Appellado that I would be the guest speaker in today's alumni homecoming, I was quite surprised and humbled. Although I am now a lawyer, I don't belong to the big league the likes of Atty. Estellito Mendoza who by a mere letter would moved the Supreme Court to reconsider a decision which was supposed to be final and executory or Atty. Topacio who would go to the extent of allowing one of his balls to be castrated just to guarantee that his client would come back if allowed to travel abroad. However, I said to myself that maybe Batch 86 had seen something in me that can inspire the Alumni who are gathered here this evening. With that I am very honored and grateful and would like to thank Batch 86 especially the ladies namely Ethel Campo Laure, Mympha Orosio, Rodriguez Leah Jana Sarona Panto, Queenie Marie Astillo-Gayanillo and Anne Fe Fontanilla Appellado 
for this honor.

Speaking of lawyers, I would like to tell you a story which was told to us by   Justice Francisco during our oath taking as new lawyers at the PICC Hall. By the way, Justice Francisco was our chief examiner when I 
took the Bar exams in 1996. I was expecting a long 
speech from him, but instead he told us this story.

( The president of DJDCCES Alumni Association Cong. Luz C. Ilagan delivering her
closing remarks. His late husband Atty. Larry Ilagan was my former professor in 
Criminal Law at the University of Mindanao )

Noong unang panahon daw, heaven and earth was just divided by a fence. St. Peter was the caretaker of heaven while Satan was the ruler of Hell. They were good friends then. After a while the fence got broken thus St. Peter fixed the fence. He then told Satan," The next time around, it will be your turn to fix the fence". Satan replied," Of course. We are friends, remember?". As time goes by, the fence again got broken so St. Peter went to Satan and told him," Satan, it's now your turn to fix the fence. Satan replied," I can't do that. I'm very busy fending off the fire in hell". Every time they met, St. Peter would demand from Satan to fix the fence until he got tired of Satan's alibis. " Enough is enough!", St. Peter angrily told Satan. " If you will not fix the fence, then I will sue you for breach of contract". Satan replied," Go ahead. But the question is, where will you get your lawyer!". 

As Justice Francisco ended his story, an eerie silence followed as we new lawyers initially did not get the joke. As the story sink in, a thunderous applause and laughter followed. Of course, St. Peter would have no lawyer as all lawyers are in hell. 

( Members of Batch 86 receiving their plaque of appreciation from the Alumni officers for
a job well done.. ) 

Of course, the story was meant to be a joke. I still believe that many lawyers are in heaven and one of whom would be the late husband of Congresswoman Luz Ilagan, Atty. Larry Ilagan who was my professor in Criminal law at UM college of law.

It was in 1979 when I graduated from Daliaon Central Elementary School now Don Juan dela Cruz Central Elem. School and left the portals of this institution to seek higher education and the proverbial greener pasture. The mere mention of Daliaon (now Don Juan) brings back fond memories of yesterdays. I remember Daliaon  then with its vast playground. Medyo maliit pa ang enrollment in those days kaya wala pa masyadong silid-aralan  sa likod kaya malaki pa ang school playground. PE time and even the time after the flag retreat would be spend playing various indigenous games with friends and classmates the likes of siatong, tumba-lata, tubig-tubig, beros, and luksong tinik. Usahay maabtan mi og gabii then mangita mi og damang kay uso man sa una ang paaway sa damang...

( A dance number from other participating batch.. )

During agriculture, we were taught to clean the rice field and plant palay kay naa pa man basakan ang school at that time. Sometimes we go catching frogs. During summer, we  would go to the schools playground magpalupad og tabanog. That is why I sometimes pity the new generation of elementary students now who had became coach potatoes having been trapped and enslave in the  cyber world. They could withstand hours and hours of sitting playing video games in the internet and chatting in facebook. That is why pabata ng pabata ang nagiging diabetic ngayon because kulang na sa exercise...

( Part of the crowd that attended the affair and enjoying the festivities.)

Way back then and up to this time astig ang Don Juan. Our little league baseball team then was unbeatable in the entire Davao City. I was the Senior Patrol Leader when our boy scout team won the fancy drill competition in Toril District. I was also a member of the choral group who won 2nd place in the Citywide Christmas carol competition with the eminent conductor Mr. Tambagan at our side. The said event became controversial as most people in the audience believed that we should have won 1st place. I also represented Daliaon in the chess competition but got beaten in the DCAA. But now Don Juan had produced age group champions in chess not only in the Philippines but as well as the ASEAN level the likes of John Ray Batucan who won 2 gold medals in the ASEAN Age Group Competitions held in Vietnam and even the Yngayo sisters. In the field of academics, we are holding our own even against the best elementary schools in the City thus our products are among the best and brightest in this side of Mindanao.

(Tsibugan time!! )

Don Juan has taught me the virtue of hard work and it is one of the reason for what I am now today. As we have entered the new millineum we should reflect on this virtue as we face our individual battle in life. MABUHAY ANG  ALUMNI SA DON JUAN...

(P.S. I failed to mention the big and tasty nutri- bun which made Daliaon Central Elementary School 
famous and unique in the entire Toril District during our time..) 

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